Location: Kodari – Sindhupalchok district
Date: 2013
Partner: Shree Singa Devi Primary School
Beneficiaries: 105 students in Grades 1 to 5 and 15 households in nearby village.
Objective: To bring drinking water to the village and school from a spring 2 hours walk above the community.
Details: The school had no water for drinking or washing hands after using the toilet and the local village had an old, irregular supply of water.
Outcomes: Pipes were laid from the spring and two surge tanks were constructed to reduce the water pressure. Pipes diverted the water to three tap stands in the village. Another tap stand has been built at the school for drinking water and taps have been placed in each toilet for the children to wash their hands.
The Griffin family who donated the funds for this project visited the school in December 2013, they were able to see the progress the community had made to improve the facilities at the school.
During this visit the four Australian siblings helped to hand out jumpers and beanies to the 105 school children. They also created a lot of excitement when they brought out bottles of ‘bubbles’. The children had never ‘bubbles’ before and had a lot of fun trying to catch the illusive bubbles as they floated upwards and then burst.