This project involved a funding partnership with the English Family Foundation (EFF) following the devastating Gorkha earthquake in April 2015 that destroyed the Cooperative’s infrastructure. In the partnership, NAFA funded the rebuild of the infrastructure: two structures for housing egg-laying and broiler chickens and a caretaker cottage. EFF funded a range of activities, including:
- engagement of agricultural experts to do two on-site visits for training and follow up of
Cooperative and other interested farmers in growing cardamom and coffee. - purchase of 20,000 cardamom plants, 700 baby chicks, 11 goats and one coffee pulping machine.
- training and follow up of 10 women in goat rearing and purchase of 10 higher value “Jamunapari” goats for allocation to particularly poor Cooperative women.
- Increasing local access to government accredited veterinary knowledge and experience.
Progress reports on the implementation of the project were prepared for EFF and the NAFA management committee following visits to the area by senior NAFA executive officers. The final report on the project submitted to EFF is attached.
Read the NAFA Final Report on Pasang Chowk Agricultural Cooperative here.