Nepal suffered a massive earthquake on 25th Aril 2015 and since then the country has been further destabilized by continuous aftershocks.
We have received reports from our representatives in Nepal that areas where we have assisted communities with the building of classrooms, school toilets, water infrastructure and other community development infrastructure have been badly damaged. These communities are off the tourist trails and some are more than a days walk from the nearest road.
Sadly 1173 families in Tawal and the surrounding villages in the Dhading district have lost their homes. We are aware of 43 families in the villages in the lower Solu Khumbu and Okhaldhunga which we support, who have also lost their homes. On 12 May a second, deadly earthquake of magnitude 7.4 damaged more homes in this area.
NAFA is very proud of the support they receive from the Nepalese community in Brisbane and the Nepalese Association of Queensland (NAQ). NAFA and NAQ began an appeal as soon as they received news of the earthquake.
Our immediate response has been to provide tin roofing for those families who are now homeless and in need of shelter. This tin will be used later in the rebuilding of their homes.
Many thanks to our NAFA supporters, we have sent $23,000 to provide tin roofing as a temporary shelter for these homeless people in Tawal area and $7740 in the lower Solu Khumbu and Okhaldhunga.
The Nepalese Association of Queensland, NAQ, donated $37,000 to assist these people in need. Our partners in Spain, Austria and France have also been very generous in their donations to the villages in the Tawal area.
NAFA has also sent $1000 for medical supplies to the Rotary Club of Madhyapur for their temporary outdoor clinics.
NAFA will continue to raise money for the rebuilding of the infrastructure in these areas such as a health clinic, classrooms, school toilets and water infrastructure.