- Designed and administered by Ms Bimila Prajapati
- Supervision and write-up by Dr Deborah Setterlund (NAFA Research Officer)
- Interviewer: Ms Bimila Prajapati
- Interpreter: Beg Tamang
- Prepared for NAFA, Hilly Region Development Club (HRDC), and Tawal community
- Special thanks to all those who participated

Beg Tamang (senior health worker), Bimila Prajapati (volunteer) and Lilla-Maya Tamang (health worker) at Tawal health clinic.
January 2013
A small scale social and health survey of Tawal villagers was carried out by Ms Bimila Prajapati in November-December 2012.
Ms Prajapati was sponsored by NAFA at VSN School Thimi, and then through FEAT (Further Education and Training) program. She completed her final exams in a health assistant course and volunteered to accompany NAFA members to Tawal to gain some direct experience of community life in a remote area village.
The main aims of the survey were to obtain information from villagers on:
- Use of traditional cooking stove and wood collection practices.
- Problems associated with use of traditional cooking stoves.
- The impact of electricity availability on everyday life.
- Access to clean water and toilets.
- Sources of health information.
- Traditional cooking stove
- Improved cooking stove
To read the complete report, including outcomes, click on TAWAL VILLAGE HEALTH SURVEY Nov 2012
- Women carrying wood
- Carrying wood
- Wood stored in the village