Welcome to NAFA
NAFA is an entirely volunteer-run, Australia-based international aid organisation that has supported education, health, disability, childcare and economic development projects in Nepal since it was formed in 1989.
In 2020, NAFA allocated $78,202 towards eleven ongoing education, health, disability and child care programs. NAFA also allocated $13,902 to purchase Covid-19 personal protective equipment, supplies and provide additional support e.g. food packages for six NAFA funded partners, a school and local community in Thimi, people with a disability in Pokhara and an organisation supporting front-line health workers.
Significantly, NAFA has partnered with three like-minded philanthropists, who have contributed $62,691 in support of NAFA projects in Nepal that focussed on the development and sustainability of an agricultural cooperative supporting farmers in five remote villages.

A Message from the NAFA President
Christmas Appeal 2024

Dear NAFA Supporters,
Deb and I have recently returned from a two-week NAFA Executive visit to Nepal. In my role as President, and with Deb’s focus on Project and Program Research and Evaluation, we are always excited to see the progress being made by NAFA-funded initiatives. I will report in detail at NAFA’s December Management Meeting, and of course in my 2024 President’s Report. We are continuously reminded, and justifiably proud, of the immense contribution made by NAFA’s enthusiastic supporters and the generosity that makes NAFA’s work achievable.
From our visit, two of our ongoing projects stood out. Both of these projects have already proved successful in their own way, but each of them would benefit immensely from some additional financial support. We wholeheartedly endorse them and believe that they are worthy of sharing the focus of the NAFA Christmas Appeal for 2024:
The fit-out of the New Sungava Home for Young Women with an Intellectual Disability
The expansion of the Irrigation System for the Pasang Chowk Agricultural Cooperative
More details about these two programs can be found on our News Page.
If you would like to contribute to NAFA’s 2024 Christmas Appeal by making a donation towards either of the above programs please follow the links below. Alternatively, you can of course spread your donation across both programs if you prefer.
Thank you for your continued support. We hope you have a great holiday season and wish you a happy and healthy year ahead.
Kind Regards,
Rod Setterlund OAM
NAFA President